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Vacation Bible School

  • Grace Center 2420 Bethlehem Loop Rd. Franklin, TN USA (map)

Grace Kids invites all children ages 3 years to rising 5th grade to join us June 19-23 for VBS as we discover what it means to be people living in the freedom of Jesus today and how this relates to the book of Exodus in the Bible. We will dive into the life of Moses and explore how he led the Israelites out of Egypt and into freedom! We will conclude the week with an Ice Cream Social on Friday, June 23, open to VBS children and their families. 

Please note: Registration is open first to our Grace Center families until June 1. After that we will open any remaining slots to the community.


You will need to complete this 2023 Parental Release form before your children may attend.

Earlier Event: June 15
The Worship Room
Later Event: June 20
Men's Gathering: Low Country Boil