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Rocketown Family Dinner

  • Grace Center 2420 Bethlehem Loop Rd. Franklin, TN USA (map)

If you are looking for a great way to serve the community with your family, consider joining us for Family Dinner at Rocketown on Thursday, April 4, at 5 PM. Family Dinners are a place where youth from the city and their families are invited to come for a meal and a safe place to connect. This is a beautiful way to love, honor, and serve this generation!

The weekly Rocketown Family Dinners usually host 50-75 students who are welcomed to bring their families. We will be providing a catered meal, and have a speaker from the Grace Center team share a gospel-centered message or testimony for 7-10 minutes while the teens are eating. The youth that come to Rocketown Family Dinners are from all backgrounds and beliefs. It is a wonderful opportunity to love, honor and serve the next generation!


Arrival Time: 4:15 PM
Dinner: 5-6:15 PM

Earlier Event: March 31
Water Baptisms
Later Event: April 7
Prayer + Worship